Welcome to HQN

The Heartland Quilt Network connects quilt guilds, professionals and quilt shops across the Midwest.  We share information about our programs, workshops, quilt shows and events to promote the popular and enduring art of quilt making.  

Looking for activities of our members?  Check out the "Events" section for guild meeting times, Lecture and Workshop schedule and upcoming Quilt Shows!  

Heartland Quilt Network (HQN) has over a hundred members across five Midwestern states. Member categories are:

  • Guilds - quilting organizations that promote the art of quilting through meetings, workshops, and networking with one another
  • Professionals - teachers that promote quilting through lectures and workshops. Also, long-arm quilters who provide services to others quilters
  • Supporting Members - businesses that sell products to quilters, provide classes and promote the art of quilting
More About HQN

Keep up with hQN member activities under "Events!"

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HQN Members

Send your program and quilt show information to hqnwebmaven@gmail.com