About HQN
The Heartland Quilt Network (HQN) is an organization established to connect quilt guilds, speakers and instructors, and quilt related businesses and organizations.
Heartland Quilt Network (HQN) has over a hundred members across five Midwestern states. Member categories are:
- GUILDS: quilting guilds and/or organizations that promote the art of quilting through meetings, workshops, and networking with one another;
PROFESSIONALS: speakers and instructors who promote quilting through programs and workshops; and
- SUPPORTING SPONSORS: quilt shops. museums, and other businesses that sell products to quilters, provide classes, and promote the art of quilting.
HQN provides its members several ways to interact and share information:
- A digital listing of the email addresses, phone numbers, mailing addresses, and website addresses of the Member Guilds, Professionals, and Supporting Sponsors.
- A calendar of the Member Guilds' meeting locations and times.
- An annual meeting that showcases the offerings of the HQN Professionals, group discussions of topics that are a benefit to all our members, and brings together enthusiasts from the quilting industry.
- Digital brochures of professional members.
- Receive the HQN newsletter with timely information.

Officers and Directors 2024 - 2025
President - Karen Hill
Vice President - Martha Ethridge
Secretary - Pam Palmer
Treasurer - Mary Honas
Membership - Kathy Limpic
Technology - Diane Murtha
Newsletter - Liz Granberg-Jerome
Webmaven - Julie Kiffin
Members at Large - Kelly Ashton, Deb Dukes, Sharon McCann